Boissevain-Morton expanding trailer court Creating opportunities for affordable housing and economic growth In an effort to address affordable housing needs and economic growth, the Municipality is expanding the Buckingham West Trailer Court. With Western Archrib’s growing industry and recent purchase of the property adjacent to and surrounding both Buckingham Trailer Courts, the Municipality partnered with Western Archrib to develop a plan to expand the trailer park while facilitating expansion plans for their business. As part of the plan, the Municipality will purchase land adjacent to the west trailer park, to develop 14 new lots for mobile homes, over 2 phases. The Buckingham East Trailer Court will be sold to Western Archrib, facilitating expansion for one of our community’s largest employers and a new access road to divert truck traffic away from residential areas. The Municipality has met with the residents of Buckingham East Trailer Court, and are developing a plan to assist those residents for relocating their mobile home. While the Municipality acknowledges the inconvenience and disruption this will cause to the tenants and the general area, the overall goals of the project is a win-win for the community. […]
Trailer Court Expansion