The pride in Boissevain is not only for the present and future, but also of the past. This is amply demonstrated by the town’s outdoor art gallery, a Manitoba Star Attraction.
Come and see a visual testament to the history of the area on the ever growing canvass that is Boissevain. Walls that once were barren have been beautifully transformed to represent our past’s colourful palette, in winter weather hues and the earth tones of harvest time. Almost 20 professionally painted murals narrate the story of our community’s history in living colour.
Mural Scavenger Hunt
You’re on a hunt to see which item in the Word Bank is found on each mural. Follow the map to help you move from mural to mural. List the Word Bank item beside the correct mural, and make sure to check off each word as you match it! Click here to download the Mural Scavenger Hunt.
MURAL 1: Reflection of Whitewater Lake
@ Model Railway Museum, 200 Mountain Street
By Hubert Theroux, 1994 | Size: 60’w x 12’h
Featuring the traditional stop-over point in the migratory flight of thousands of birds annually. In the last century Whitewater Lake has varied in size from 20,000 acres to a few saline ponds.
MURAL 2: Green Meadows Farm
@ Boissevain-Morton Fire Hall, 410 Mountain Street
By Hubert Theroux, 1992/Redone in 2013 | Size: 69’w x 12’h
Green Meadows farm known locally as the home of Manitoba’s former Lieutenant Governor Errick F. Willis (1960-65). Prize Hereford cattle were raised here. The old-fashioned farm scene is one of the artist’s specialties.
MURAL 3: A Tribute to Pioneer Men and Women
@ Beckoning Hills Museum (south wall), 425 Mill Road
By Ernie Bereti,1993 | Size: 40’w x 10’h
Here on the Tripp Farm is seen the era of progress in agriculture since the “sod busting” days. Steam engines do the heavy work and substantial buildings replace the shanties that once dotted the prairies.
MURAL 4: The Red Coats
@ Red Coat Square, Highway #10 & Ducker Street
By Hubert Theroux, 1996/redone 2010 | Size: 31.5’w x 13.5’h
Seated at his grandfather’s feet, 10-year-old Dominick French hears of the adventures experienced by his great-grandfather, Commissioner George Arthur French, as he led the first troop of North West Mounted Police across Western Canada in 1874. Dom was so fascinated by the stories he became a member of the RCMP himself and is pictured to the right of the mural.
MURAL 5: General Store
@ Snazzy Seconds / Town Centre Dental (north wall), Highway #10 & South Railway Street
By Brian Romagnoli, 1998 | Size: 32’w x 11’h
The mural depicts the George King “General Store” circa 1922. The mural is a tribute to all general stores which were the center of each rural community.
MURAL 6: Morton Sawmill
@ The Hand Crafter, 298 South Railway Street
By Gus Froese, 1994/redone 2009 | Size: 2S’w x 9’h
The sawmill, built in 1879 at Lake Max in the Turtle Mountains, was purchased in 1883 by George Morton, an entrepreneur who planned a large-scale dairy farm and cheese factory. The municipality was named after him in 1890 and he presided at the first election.
MURAL 7: Bushing in the Turtle Mountains
@ Boundary Co-op Home Centre, 518 Stephen Street
By Hubert Theroux, 1995 | Size: 49’w x 13’h
In the days when wood was the only fuel to keep homes cozy against winter’s icy blast, keeping up a constant supply was an ongoing task participated in by all the family members with occasional help from neighbours.
MURAL 8: Main Street Saturday Night
@ Hazlewood Drug Store (south wall), 323 South Railway Street
By Jim Jordan, 1993 | Size: 10’w x 10’h
Remember Saturday nights in the 1950’s when the whole family packed into the car and went to town to shop and socialize? Young people flocked to the theatre to see the weekly show, while mom and dad got caught up on the latest news (or gossip).
MURAL 9: These Roots Run Deep
@ Hazlewood Drug Store (west wall), 323 South Railway Street
By Bridget Penny & Joseph Pilapil of traveling sign painters, Mikhail Millar & Rachel Ziriada of NAMARIMBA, Andrew Eastman & Chloe Chafe of Synonym
Highlighting the connection to the land through depicting local plants (prairie crocus, wild rose, echinacea, alfalfa, caragana), strong trees/roots, a silhouette of Turtle Mountain and water referencing the many lakes found in the area. The design also took inspiration from the heritage homes in Boissevain and the song “I’ll Bend but I Won’t Break” by Red Moon Road.
MURAL 10: Pioneer Kitchen
@ Turtle Mountain Appliances, 376 South Railway Street
By Carol Ramsay, 1994 | Size: 32’w x 7’h
The artist’s respect for pioneer women is reflected in her depiction of the “heart of the home” where so many of the homemaker’s handmade products are on display and the family gathers in the lamplight for their various evening activities.
MURAL 11: Romance of the Railroad
@ Boissevain-Morton Library, 409 South Railway Street
By Stephen Jackson, 1992 | Size: 69’w x 14’h
This locomotive arrived in Cherry Creek around 1886 as a result of Adolphe Boissevain selling shares in Europe to raise funds. Later the town was renamed in his honor. A teenager, Chris Musgrove saw it arrive and also witnessed the departure of the last passenger train in 1958.
MURAL 12: Ethnic Mosaic
@ Royal Bank, 388 South Railway Street
By Stephen Jackson, 1994/redone 2010 | Size: 4 panels, 4’w x 12’h
A colourful patchwork quilt with each patch revealing something of the ethnic heritage of the community with scenes of the workplace and samples of traditional women’s needlework. Many are copies of special crafts which were brought to this country by new settlers or made by native women
@ Boissevain-Morton Civic Centre, 420 South Railway Street
By Boissevain-Morton Arts Council, 2020 | Size: 10 panels, 2’w x 4.5’h
MURAL 14: Boundary Commission NWMP Trail
@ Kilmury Tax, 426 South Railway Street
By Gus Froese, 1992 | Size: 64’w x 12’h
This mural shows the evolution of the historic trail which runs parallel to the US boundary. Originally indented into the prairie sod by buffalo, it became more distinct with the travel of natives, explorers and settlers. It was a route for the survey crews and the North West Mounted Police in 1874.
MURAL 15: Royal Canadian Legion Boissevain Branch #10
@ Boissevain Legion Hall. 401 North Railway
By Ken McEwan 1995/redone 2011 | Size: 31’w x 15’h
This mural Is a tribute to those who gave their lives in both World Wars and Korea as well as the veterans who returned.
MURAL 16: A Salute to Boissevain’s Medical Profession
@ Former Medical Clinic, 367 North Railway Street
By Ken McEwan, 1997/redone 2009 | Size: 27’w x 10’h
Doctors and nurses, veterinarians, dentists and midwives are all paid tribute in this mural, Ken McEwan’s second in Boissevain. This mural is testament to the dedication and professionalism of the caretakers of Boissevain and Morton. From Dr. F.V. Bird with 62 years of service to Nurse Halladay who ran a nursing home in the community.
MURAL 17: Schools Out
@ Boissevain School, Highway #10 North
By Hubert Theroux, 2000 | Size: 36’h x 18’h
This one room schoolhouse is representative of many that dotted the countryside. This brings back memories of the times when many of us walked to school, lunch pail in one hand and books in the other.